Turn Website Visitors into Customers

21 Oct 2018

It’s a fine art turning your website visitors into customers. Sometimes it happens naturally, but that is in a perfect world, with increased competition it becomes harder to convert your online leads into sales.

A lot of marketing professionals will tell you to double down on your marketing spend in order to get your brand, product or service in front of more people. But if you are already finding it hard to convert the visitors you have, why create a bigger audience which will further impact your conversion rate?

How can you get your visitors converting? Let’s have a look.

Know your visitors

Knowing your customer base is paramount. Understanding their purchasing behaviour and frequency can help you segment your customer base into a few target markets. Once you have developed a few different target markets, you can develop the way you communicate with them. Not all visitors are the same so your marketing should reflect that. How is your content put together? Who is it wrote for? What is the tone? These all help you engage with your different customer bases. You can use the same strategy for your social media activities, not every customer will engage with the same platform.

Improve your landing pages

Where are you sending your target visitors? Are they hitting pages that aren’t optimised for conversion? If they aren’t, you’d best spend some time making sure that visitors can purchase or enquire really quickly and easily or they’ll just go somewhere else.

Shout about yourself

If you’ve got some amazing customer feedback or have satisfied X amount of customers, then shout about it. Case studies, testimonials and blogs are an amazing way of shouting about how good you are. If you have testimonials from past customers, new visitors will be more likely to purchase from you with them on your website.

Remarket to lost conversions

Sometimes you have to spend a little to get a little. Remarketing is a great way of spending a little bit of budget on regaining visitors who, for whatever reason, haven’t converted. Using Google and Facebook’s remarketing tools within their advertising platform gives you the perfect opportunity to engage with lost visitors with a call to action type ad in the hope of getting them back to your website.

Implement Live Chat

Over the last few years, the adoption of Live Chat has expanded exponentially. What better way to help convert your visitors to a sale than with a reassuring chat with a member of your team? Live Chat now accounts for 42% of the communication between visitors and businesses online – isn’t it time you implemented Live Chat on your website?

Make sure your website is fast

A fast website load speed helps increase engagement, retention and conversions. Every 1 second a visitor has to wait for your page to load impacts their satisfaction by a whopping 16% which affects conversions by 7%. Make sure your website is geared up for superfast user experience, especially if you are running marketing campaigns that engage a huge audience.

A/B testing

A/B testing is a brilliant way of working out what engages with your visitors and how well your conversion rate works depending on the content of your website. Run a test with two landing pages with exactly the same goal, but change your content and call-to-action. You’ll be able to track this really easily through sales, enquiries and even phone calls.

Doing all the hard work is pretty much useless if you’re not tracking your efforts. Make sure you have adequate tracking on all marketing activities, both offline and online to really see the ROI.

Do you need help converting your leads to sales?

The team at Hush Digital are perfectly placed to help your website turn leads into sales. Contact the team today on 01325 361 729 or at [email protected]

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