Why You Should Be Thinking About Facebook Ads

4 Mar 2019

The world of paid adverts has massively changed since I started in marketing. I remember setting up my first Google Adwords campaign back in 2005 with minimal experience and a platform that’s a million miles away from what it is today. Fast forward 14 years and the landscape of the paid advert market has completely changed with the introduction of social media, and it’s associated advert platforms.

If you are unaware of Facebook Ads and what they can do for your business or brand, we have covered the most significant points in our most recent blog!

The Audience

Facebook has a combined audience more extensive than the population of China! That’s huge! Throw in the audience over on Instagram, and you have a pretty sizable market. Can you ignore this vast potential customer base with over 22 billion ad clicks per year?

The Cost

Facebook Ads is very cost effective for the engagement that the platform provides. While we always advise a minimum spend of at least £400 a month on Google Ads to see a healthy ROI, Facebook Ads can cost as little as £1.00 a day! Yes, your audience will slim down for just £1.00, but if you don’t have a big click budget for Google Ads, maybe Facebook Ads is the platform for you.

Fluid Advertising

When you are posting organic social media posts to Facebook, you might want to know what posts are hot and what are not. Facebook wants you to advertise with them, and it is in their interests to let you know which post is ripe for additional advertising so they can reap the rewards of your advertising budget. But their notification settings for organic posts is convenient, you might have a post that sits outside your advertising campaign that is doing well and with a little bit of budget behind it could do even better. You don’t have to start a new advert based upon your organic post and start all over again; you can put some click budget on your organic posts in a few clicks to your predefined defined audiences.

Advert Targeting

Facebook’s advert targeting tool is exceptional. If you understand your audience or know the audience you want to be in front of, the capabilities of Facebook is fantastic and will have your adverts in front of the right people for your business. While Google Ads in the first instance works around search terms and keywords, Facebook targets users by their demographics and interests. For example; your campaign goal could be to engage with female football fans, in a specific geographic area, who fall into a certain age bracket. Using the Facebook Audience tool, we can now set up an audience based on these categories and then use people’s interests in football and football teams in the geographic location.

On the flipside, if you don’t want your adverts to show up for a group of people, you can work your magic with the audience tool to make sure you don’t waste advertising budget on people who don’t engage with your brand.

Similar Audiences

It is great being able to market to a defined audience based upon interests and demographics, but what if you want to target a new audience who are likely to be interested in your brand, product or service? Using Facebook Ads and your existing predefined target audiences, you can also look for new customers who are similar to them, thus opening up a new target market for you.


How many leads or sales are you losing a day? If you check out your sales funnel in Google Analytics, you will be able to see how many people can drop off at a particular place on your conversion journey. It doesn’t matter if you want a customer to fill out a contact form or click that buy now button, a conversion is a conversion and losing them can be a killer. While it would be amazing to be able to find out precisely 100% why these users didn’t convert, we, unfortunately, can’t read minds.

However, you can remarket to these lost conversions on Facebook. How much would you like to be able to get your product or service back in the minds of these lost conversions? Well with a little bit of wizardry, you can advertise to these lost customers again. Utilising Facebook Pixel and a little bit of budget you can get your products, services and business back in front of these potentially lost customers with a marketing message to try and convert them again.

If you think that Facebook Ads could get you sales and leads contact the digital marketing team at Hush today.

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